Thursday, June 08, 2006

Music with Meaning Night 6 Recap

Night six was the first MWM event we've ever done at Subterranean. The place seems a lot smaller during load-in and soundcheck.

The Patent Clerks was a pleasent suprise. The Columbus, Mo group made everyone (about 15 people) shut-up and listen in a good way. The Elevens and Mira Mira brought some nice mellow indie rock. STAR was my favorite of the night. It was my first time seeing them and I had no idea that their Dinosaur Jr./Republica/Big Black/My Bloody Valentine/La Bouche style of rock was done with just a drum machine (beats from an iPod), guitar and bass. Coupleskate was an ideal band to close out the evening, playing a 40-minute set of solid indie rock.

Hip hop was on the ground level. Indie rock was on the second level. Worlds did not collide.

P!nk is biting the hand that feeds. Trent Reznor is the 'angriest' 45-year old.

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