1. Craig Ferguson "American on Purpose"
Sure, I could be reading great American novels, but what's wrong with a celebrity autobiography every now and then?
Ferguson is currently my favorite late night talk show host. He seems to be off the cuff when it comes to everything. The monologue, sketches, interviews, etc. is delivered by a supremely confident, positive and funny man. It's like a more approachable, wiser Conan. A happier Letterman. A wittier Kimmel. I love his show. I read his book because of the reasons listed. I was not disappointed.
Ferguson is a well-known alcoholic. He hasn't had a drink in nearly twenty years. He writes about his exploits like it was yesterday. They're sad and wistful, but they're told in a witty manner. Memories that would be annoyingly preachy aren't when Ferguson writes.
A good way to start the new year. A quick, well written autobiography from a man who seems extremely comfortable in his own skin.