Thursday, May 11, 2006


It has recently come to my attention that I am not growing as a writer. In the past five months I've yet to write anything substantial. Lots of lists about music (which probably says something about my relationships with anyone human) and fear of saying something that will cause trouble. Friends of mine who I thought were horrible writers have lapped me tenfold. Good?

I can't name drop here. Nor will I make a list. Out of fear I will not rate my friends.

My problem, at least what I think is my problem, is that I can't stop thinking about these people. Thinking about these people leads me to not write. What is there to write about? There's a lot to write about, a lot I want to 'say', but I'm not thinking of anything. So I surround myself with them. Whenever one is too far out of reach I call for coffee or beer or something. If I'm friends with writers I must be one too.


I just finished watching "The Jacket". Eh.

19. Rich Koslowski "The King"

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