Monday, November 24, 2008

One of the best 08 films

99. "Be Kind Rewind"
I'm not sure why this movie was not a hit, or at least seen by more people. It's great. It's whimsical and child-like and hopeful and inventive. It's like Gondry's other film "Eternal Sunshine" but happy. What's wrong with happy?

Jack Black accidentally demagnetizes all the VHS tapes in Danny Glover's store. Mos Def, Danny Glover's employee and Black make their versions of the erased films. They become a hit. Chaos ensues. It's great.

The film doesn't have a happy ending. In fact, it doesn't really have an ending and it's a better film because of that. I don't want to give anything away, so see it and we'll talk about it.

If you don't like the following, you shouldn't see the film.

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