51. "The Savages"
The leads acted the shit out of this film. (I hope Ebert leads at least one review with that sentence.)
It's difficult for me to go to a theater to see a film like "The Savages". I know I'll love the film and will think about at least one aspect of it differently, but there's little joy in watching this type of art. It's heavy and there's no way around it. I seem to be able to absorb works like this when I first wake up. If I'm still woozy and don't have to become unconscious, the weight of the material isn't too much to fully absorb.
The cinematography in this film fits the story so well. I will now watch "The Notorious Life of Bettie Page" because it was shot by the same guy.
Laura Linney should be given runner-up Best Actress at the Oscars every year (Streep obviously would win). Linney is the actress every director would love to have in the cast.
Tamara Jenkins, the writer and director of the flick, is inspiring. I don't know if I'll ever see this film again but I will not forget it.
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