37. Cormac McCarthy "The Road"
I shouldn't have bothered trying to read this novel during daylight. If I hadn't tried to comprehend a post-apocalyptic novel while sitting on the north end of the Lake Shore bike path I might have enjoyed the first half as much as I did the second.
Like "No Country For Old Men", it takes some adjusting to style in order to enjoy McCarthy's work. Once that hurdle is overcome, you're left with a sparse and beautiful work of literature. A wholly original work that will inevitably be taught in high school English classes within 20 years, "The Road" strips away most storytelling devices and leaves you with human conflict relateable to all, regardless of sex, class, age, etc.
The book is about a father trying to do what's best for his son. The two happen to be some of the last people on earth. Father and son are traveling down a road, to the ocean, hoping for, well, we're never really sure. That's it. Simple and beautiful and haunting.
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