The internet is down at the apartment. I'm at Mercury Cafe. I've been coming here to update the podcasts. I apologize for writing a blog post at an internet cafe.
"The Shuffle" is mostly done. Some scenes were tweaked last night and the film has been send to Daniel Knox to be scored. Charlie shot the image for the poster on the last day of shooting. It looks fantastic. It makes the thing feel more real. We will be screening the film at the Hungry Brain in September or October. It's going to be submitted to festivals by the end of the month. I am nervous and excited to finish the thing. Once it's done I'll begin more substantial work on the new film(s).
Fetor is almost done. We will play one last show this fall/winter. It'll be loud and fun. We'll all bleed. Rather than wait for the last show to start something new, we (well, most of us) are going to be in a new band, for now called Precinct Captains. We're playing our first show at Quencher's on September 30. Please show up if you can. It'll be fun. Probably not as loud or angry as Fetor, but fun.
I haven't been keeping up with the 104 films and 52 books per year. It's due to laziness and the film. I've watched footage we shot over three days for the last four months. I've also watched all of "The Wire" and "Spaced", which makes up the time spent watching thirty-three two hour films. Whatever. I'll get back on track. I've also spent too much time doing crossword puzzles and not discovering authors.
I've been watching a lot of "The Daily Show" on Hulu.
The podcast is going relatively well. Thanks to Kelsey, the 'studio' has a fancy new Ikea desk, a new boom mic stand and, finally, the use of two high quality microphones.
The flickr account hasn't been updated for a while because I'm going to cover the Green Music Festival, which occurs Saturday and Sunday at the park about 50 yards away from my apartment. I do not yet have a professional flickr account so rather than full up my space, I've been waiting to cover the festival and figure out a way for the podcast to link to some photos. Make sense? Keep in mind I've been drinking coffee in a coffeehouse while writing this thing, all the while smelling like balls. (I smell like balls because I walk outside for work and it's hot outside in Chicago.)
The Monday night YMTE series at the Brain has been going well. I'm enjoying the stand-up quite a bit, the music has brought steady crowds, the films are inspiring, the readings have been making me write more (though it doesn't seem like it based on these ramblings) and having Everything Is Terrible every two months or so is a great shot in the arm. I can't think of one major problem with the series, which makes it a success.
I don't mind the music in Mercury Cafe. They're playing Neil Young circa late 70s.
Thanks to Kelsey, I'm going to see "Funny People" tonight. I've been told I'll enjoy it. I used to get Seth Rogen comparisons every few days. They've slowed done over the last year. While bartending a week or so ago I was told I sound and look like Seth Rogen. Five minutes later I was told by a separate group of people that I sound like that one guy that used to be fatter and stars with Adam Sandler in that new Judd Apatow movie.
I'm going to make a film like "Help!" because the mistakes in the film will look intentional and hopefully funny.
How often does The Mutiny get a complete scrub down? I haven't been there in months but every time I even hear of the bars name it seems to smell like piss.
I'm thinking about becoming a painter. Not the artsy kind, but the kind that wakes up at the crack of dawn and makes the world look a little better.
The new issue of Foul, I haven't said that in years, will come out by years end. I have a few more pieces. Odd.
The poster is for this Monday at the Brain. Come on by.
1 comment:
you do so much stuff, you make me feel focused.
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