79. "Obsessed"
The dialogue in the first scene is laughable. The song is boring. The font used for titles looks like it should be on a greeting card you would make on a computer in 1994.
Buzz words for the economy in the first ten minutes.
"Sharon, you're so bad."
"Like that's not why you married me."
Why does a score like this exist? Is there a master file that's used in all Lifetime movies that I don't know about?
"I think you'll find I'm not your typical temp."
It's a shame when something can be so wrong, so predictable so quickly.
If my girlfriend still finds Idris Elba attractive after this role I will lose some respect. "The Wire" does not forgive future sins.
My mother: See, women know.
What do they know? What the fuck are you talking about? I want to be drunk right now. I am going to drink tonight. How can you watch this? How? Shouldn't any self-respecting woman understand that these stereotypes are harmful?My mother: Ain't this a good show?
The use of Estelle's "American Boy" was a nice touch. Idris Elba is British. He plays an American in this thing. I doubt this was considered when scoring the film.
Finally, a gay stereotype. It took a whole 15 minutes. "If you think you can pump me full of a couple of cosmos for information, you're right."
From here on out, I will refer to Elba as Stringer Bell. Maybe if I think of good things everything else will seem better.
It's difficult to shoot party scenes in large spaces. It makes the most exciting event seem poorly attended.
My mother: She went in the boys bathroom! Look what she did!
Is Tone Loc's "Wild Thing" about $100 to clear for usage?
The dream/rape scene is odd. It would fit in Tim Burton's "Batman."
My mother: Watch her be dead now. It'll be hilarious.
God damn, Beyonce. I hope Jay-Z is fucking everyone else but you. Leave the husband alone. He's making a ton of money, sends you flowers every week and is quiet around the house when the baby is sleeping. You ignore that a woman is obviously not stable and you're focusing on "Naked!" Fuck you. Why are you believing a woman you hate but not the man who makes a ton of money and is married to you. Fuck everyone in this. Except Jerry O'Connell. I like the guy. Remember that show "Sliders" from the late 90s? That show was pretty decent.
My mother: Well, sometimes we're all delusional. Isn't that right Brandon? You always tell me that I'm delusional. This show is so good. Aren't you glad I picked this out? You just don't want to admit it.
Stringer, take some fucking control. This is getting ridiculous.
Should people use the word 'lover' more often? It's odd to hear in current, American movies.
My mother: You oughta make something like this.
Holy shit! Three months living in a hotel! For something you didn't do! You should've murdered both women.
Using lamps instead of overhead lights portray people as crazy.
Why won't this end?
Why would you turn your back on someone that broke in?
Both women should have died at least twice during this fight.
Why would you go to the attic? There's one entry and inevitably the person has to come down. Fucking wait.
Finally, the Beyonce song we've all been waiting for.
It ends on a freeze frame? Fuck you.
Fuck you, Stringer Bell.