72. "Lars and the Real Girl"
Ryan Gosling should have been nominated for Best Actor, the film should have been nominated for Best Picture and it definitely should have beaten "Juno" for Best Original Screenplay. There are no flaws in this film.
Lars is a loner. He lives in a small town in what's supposed to be Wisconsin. He lives in the garage of the house he grew up in. His brother and wife live in the main house. Lars works in a cubicle. Lars can't stand human touch. Lars orders a Real Doll. Lars' Real Doll is his girlfriend in the most Christian sense of the word. The townspeople do not mock Lars. The Real Doll becomes something real. All of this sounds like the film would be awful, pandering for cheap laughs and social stereotypes. It does none of that. Instead, screenwriter Nancy Oliver wrote an original story that paints a portrait of delusion that is heartbreaking but, all in all, not that bad.
It's a simple film. The shots are beautiful. The acting is superb. It's heavy but not overbearing. I can not think of an original film released in 2007 better than "Lars and the Real Girl."
i think he did in fact get a best actor nom
I agree. It was absolutely flawless. If it had a single flaw, it would be the worst movie ever because the plot plot description sounds like an elaborate joke.
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