35. "300"
What a horrible film. Awful war propaganda done in an "artsy" way. How was "Sin City" so good and this so bad?
The students I had loved this film. I understand why they did. It has a simple message and it's clear who is good and who is evil. I think I liked "The Crow" for the same reasons. At least "The Crow" had a decent soundtrack.
What's with the spray tanned six packs? It's extremely homoerotic in a not fun way.
The shooting style is cool. This couldn't have been made five years ago. I guess it's a testament to technology. It's further proof that technology is a tool, not the basis for a good film.
Maybe if Orson Welles was in this it could've been saved. He might have been able to deliver the shitty dialogue and make it decent.
If the US Military didn't commission this film they sure did get a nice gift.
Thank god "South Park" parodied this thing. Why did I watch this? I saw the parody and liked that. I should just stick with "South Park" for all things aimed at 15-year old boys.
Someone with a lot of time should splice together scenes of George Clooney from the "Oceans" films to make it seem like he's robbing everyone in this film and having a good time doing it.
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