Monday, January 09, 2006

Rise Against put it in their newest video

Why is there always a description of mountains during NPR's Story of the Day? Is it really that important?

When the story is about an elderly subject, why does music from the decade of their birth have to be played in the background? They probably didn't listen to that music for the majority of their life. All music beds should consist of Judas Priest, crows screaming and babies swearing.

It is nice to know that when one half of an elderly couple dies their partner soon follows. Not because it's romantic, because only the good die young and the older you are, the more evil you are.


Alicia, Kelsey and I went to the Fireside last night to see Egon Strangler, Beard and Doug Travis. Egon Strangler was a good, straight forward punk three-piece. Beard is another three piece, but instead of guitar, they have a violin player. Excellent band. Doug Travis, Billy and CT's band, played last and delivered an entralling set. Billy, the band's singer, started as a pregnant clown with a bright red curly wig. By the end of the set, he had given birth, lost his breasts and hair, destroyed four monkeys and spit on his band. Doug Travis put on a good show.

It was great to see a punk band at the Fireside. It's been almost a year and a half since they stopped having regular shows and it has made the city a little more boring. Hopefully there will be more shows like last night.

Jesus, I can't write.


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