My mother is making a cake or something. There is nothing inherently wrong with her baking on a Saturday night. There is something wrong because I am here, doing nothing while she makes a cake.
I've spent the majority of my day editing my iTunes account. The program is addicting.
Rather than read any of the six books I've already started I decided to start another book. "Rotten" by John Lydon is a good read thus far. Much better than the John McCain autobiography that I am also reading. For some reason I'm more interested in British punks than war heroes. (I decided I will not use spell check on this post. I'm not sure if I've spelled anything incorrectly but I probably have, so now you know why.)
Maybe I can find somewhere to get coffee. For those of you that don't know, not all of cook county is smoke free, at least not yet. If I think of a diner open within 4 blocks from here I'm going. If not, fuck it. I'll watch "The Munsters" or something.
Daniel Knox posted some new recordings on myspace. Though my connection is less than decent I was able to download one. It was very good and I suggest you spend twenty minutes of your next week giving the guy a shot. If you've already tried to like him but can't, well, we're just different people.
Head of Femur just came on my playlist. They played Intonation last summer. They stayed at the grounds longer than any other band. The lead singer was with his girlfriend the entire time. I know his girlfriend from DePaul. We've had over 20 conversations in the last four and a half years. I have no idea what her name is. This will bother me until I sleep.
Times like this I wish I had a cell phone.
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