Thursday, June 29, 2006

Music with Meaning Night 28 Recap

Empty Bottle night 2.

Charlie Deets played his first (and last?) electronic set. It included a film for each song, a light show and crutches. It was the only time I've been at the Bottle and no one was in the pool room. No one. Everyone there watched the set in silence. It was fucking weird. Like Radiohead or some other critically acclaimed shit that no one can rip apart.

Fetor had to follow Charlie Deets. I'm in Fetor. It would have been hard to follow Mr. Deets but I was drunk and I'm an asshole so it was pretty easy. We played 9 songs in under 30 minutes. It was loud. I called people assholes and other mean things. We fucking ruled.

Penthouse Sweets ended the night with their bar band in a good way music. I would have liked to see more than the three songs I caught but I was pretty deaf from all that screaming.

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