Friday, June 09, 2006

Music with Meaning Night 8 Recap

Last night's Double Door taught me a valuable lesson in rock. Dudes like to rock and dudes like to drink.

The Quitters, a band I booked on a recommendation, were great. They recorded their set on a cassette tape, gave away their CD for free and their guitarist/singer Matt threw his guitar on the floor. He threw it to the floor in front of the stage.

Low of the Low are five dudes who like saying 'Bro' and drinking. They fucking rocked. Fucking is the only adjective one should use when describing the south side stoner metal band.

My Big Beautiful brought the old school pop punk. It's rare for me to enjoy pop punk. I enjoyed their set.

That last paragraph sounds horrible. No one should use the word brought when describing music. The use of the word instantly makes the writer seem old and creepy, like a Rolling Stone writer.

I got drunk and yelled at Jesus and the Devil to play songs I wanted to hear. They did. It was great. Their drummer kicked over his set. I bought their t-shirt. They will be entered in the Chicago Rock-Off series.

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