Monday, August 08, 2005

He Rapped In A Song

Aaron Carter is going to perform during the 2005 Miss Teen U.S.A. pagaent. My guess is that 40 of the 51 contestents blew him. The other 11 are too pure. They offered him other options. Mostly anal. Mostly.

I am not obsessed with the idea of Aaron Carter smooth talking beauty contestant pagaents. The Backstreet Boys brother needs to get head. From all pagaent contestents. It's in their by-laws.

Since it's Monday, I'll be at Carol's in a few hours. I bet that the crazy vet that is good at darts is there too. He's crazy. Mostly scary.

Peter Jennings died early today. I liked him. I obviously didn't know him personally, but I did like him more than Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather. Another thing that he had going for him was that he was a high school dropout. Take that bums! Why aren't any of you anchors on nightly newscasts that aren't just in your mind?

Sorry to all the bums out there. I shouldn't assume that none of you host nationally syndicated news shows. I can only speak for the Americans.

The title of this post refers to Aaron Carter, not Peter Jennings.

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