Thursday, August 04, 2005

I Like Music

Since I haven't been able to publish any music criticism since May, I've decided to post my Top 10 albums, thus far, of 2005.

1. Sally "The Attrition E.P."
2. Sufjan Stevens "Illinois"
3. Sage Francis "A Healthy Distrust"
4. Sleater-Kinney "The Woods"
5. The Mars Volta "Frances the Mute"
6. The White Stripes "Get Behind Me Satan"
7. Spoon "Gimme Fiction"
8. Andrew Bird "Andrew Bird & the Mysterious Production of Eggs"
9. Nine Inch Nails "With_Teeth"
10. eels "Blinking Lights and Other Revelations"

Some albums that almost made the list are: Frank Black "Honeycomb," Coralie Clement "Bye Bye Beaute" and Alkaline Trio "Crimson."

Here's my Top 5 list of albums that people have told me I'll love, but have not yet listened to.
1. Head of Femur "Hysterical Stars"
2. Common "Be"
3. Annie "Anniemal"
4. Quasimoto "The Further Adventures of Lord Quas"
5. M.I.A. "Arular"

The year isn't over. Here's my top 5 of what I'm looking forward to.
1. System of a Down "Hypnotize"
2. OutKast
3. tATu "Dangerous and Moving"
4. The New Pornographers "Twin Cinema"
5. Pearl Jam

Finally, here's my Top 5 list of 2005 albums that are disappointing.
1. Weezer "Make Believe"
2. Gorillaz "Demon Days" (No Dan the Automator, no Deltron 3030)
3. Coldplay "XY"
4. Foo Fighters "In Your Honor" ("Friend of a Friend" and "Razor" can't save the arena rock fueled electric disc)
5. System of a Down "Mezmerize" (maybe it'll make more sense once "Hypnotize" is released)

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