12. "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
I'm a sucker and enjoyed this film. It's equal parts "Forrest Gump", "Big Fish" and "Titanic" but I don't care. I almost cried at the expected ending and enjoyed the epic scope. Every dollar spent on this thing looks like it was used on screen. Fincher may have alienated his "Seven" devotees, but who cares? Let the man go mainstream.
I don't think I'd enjoy this on the small screen. It should be seen in a dark theater on a big screen. Any external distractions would take away from the film. What that says about the film is a mystery to me. It may mean it wasn't a good enough story to hold my interest. It may mean it was so beautiful it could only be appreciated on a big screen.
Pitt didn't have a chance to win best actor. He's too pretty. The makeup department did a good making him look old and decrepit, but not a good enough to make the guy look like a normal guy.
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